This block on end makes me think about the balancing act that we all play. We balance of our emotions, our jobs, our friends, and our families. Sometimes we fall, but inevitably, we have to get back up on end, precariously leaning in various directions, just trying to stay up and look like everything is under control. We’re so hung up on staying up and keeping our straight lines perfect, that we forget to just be ourselves and have fun. Cultural norms constantly pressure us to work impossibly hard to balance in this way instead of laying down and taking it easy on one of our flatter sides.
The golden edges of the cube are almost like “gilded edges” in the fact that they seem to only exist for the purpose of showing off to the rest of the world. Much like our clothes and appearance, we use our outer essence to hide who we really are inside. It’s too dangerous to actually show our emotions. We don’t want to get hurt and instead we create alternate realities and hurt others by shutting them out. Pain is only avoidable if we inflict it. That’s the entire purpose of a comeback. Revenge is our way of keeping our wounds to a minimum.
We feel as though it is our job to serve justice. Karma isn’t given a chance anymore. Instead, we attack in and effort to come to our own defense. Retaliation replaces forgive and forget. Pain, though only an intangible feeling, is powerful. Aside from constantly fighting off foes, we decide that intimidation is safer. We either choose to use “pre-emptive” attacks and be a bully, never to be dethroned, or we set up a façade like the golden borders of the square on end.
Also, the indents in each side seem to extend inward to infinity. This proves to be a symbol of inner turmoil. By isolating ourselves so much from the pain of the outside world, we push inward continually until we create sharp, piercing points perforating our soul. This inner angst is black and rigid. The sharp, right angles are meant to be painful and incessantly pests that probe our inner thoughts and desires. All this pressure makes us change our goals and wishes in life from those that we truly want, to those that we think that others want. The black abyss of what is left behind is all that remains for us to salvage after the inconsiderate actions of others have come and gone.