Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Confucius say

"You may be conservative, cautious, and practical."

Oh! Really? Could I? Gee, I needed a fortune cookie to give me permission on being "conservative, cautious, and practical."

But really, I don't fully agree with this nugget of fortune. Actually I don't agree at all at this point. In this, my first semester at A-K-Rowdy, I don't think that being silent, shy, reserved, and all-in-all, boring is a good idea. Now I'm not saying that I need to go and do something outlandish just to establish a name for myself. But now is not the time for the "Sound of Silence."

But maybe these numbers enhance what ancient chinese computer sputtered out. Let's see, "5, 11, 17, 29, 32, 37".


Nothing there

They don't even add up to my lucky number. I don't know. I think that this entire fortune experience has made me more cynical and grumpy. I'm done with this!


1 comment:

WealthyReltub said...

So this was a rather interesting experience. I wrote this friday (because the computers were hating me) then tried to post. It gave the little attempting to post green words and all, but only said 0% (because the internet hates me). So I say to myself, "Self, try again tomorrow." Then I say, "Self, that sounds like a wonderful idea! You're a genius!"

"Tomorrow" comes (actually Saturday) and I attempt to post again (luckily I saved a copy on my compy). 0%. "Self, this isn't working...again."

"Ok, self. I'll try again tomorrow."

One moon later, I give it another go. Go ahead...guess what happens. Yup. I start talking to myself again.

"Self, I think that someone doesn't want this post to be seen. This can only be the work of the government."

"You're right, self! We need the help of Will Smith like in Enemy of the State!"

So I wait till tomorrow.

So finally the internet stops all the hatin' and I am able to bless you all once again with a blog post.

Wow, my comment is longer than my post I think. My bad.