Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Meet my pet: Peeve

My biggest pet peeve (aside from these durnt laptops) would have to be bad grammar.

I said it! I said it! Yes, my biggest pet peeve is when people don’t be using the grammar well. The one thing that bothers me the most is when people mix up the “doesn’t”s and the “don’t”s. For example, “She don’t understand what I’m saying to her face.” I barely understand that you passed the fourth grade! Dur-hurr!
Admittedly, this is probably one of the most forgivable crimes. But when you come from Jackson High School, one of the top 25 high schools in all of Ohio, you best be knowin’ that you should speak with the propah English! Come on though, really! “She don’t…”? PUH-LEEZE!!! You friggin’ sound like a hick. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Joe Dirt was a very good hick. And look where he ended up.
Alls I’ma sayin is, LISTEN TO YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER! She is paid to know how to speak in our native tongue, English. That will be all.

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